Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's All Request Week at KCTZ!

Since the Thanksgiving holiday I have received several emails that seem to have a common thread. As many of you may know, I am usually just not interested in doing things that other people ask me to do, and I certainly have what can easily be called disdain for doing what I am told. Therefore, it may come as a surprise to some of you that, for some unknown reason, I have decided to bear my warm and cuddly bits to the world and grant a few email requests.

First, to those that I will refer to as "The Voyeurs" (you know who you are):

Since you obviously do not have satisfying lives of your own and all of you seem to have some strange need to live vicariously through me, I will grant your requests and post some pictures of the holiday decorations at the house of Steeze.

Second, to those that I will refer to as "The Fat and Slovenly" (you know who you are):

In spite of the fact that I made and gave away more than four dozen tamales over the Thanksgiving weekend, it seems that some chubs out there feel that either they did not get enough or simply want more to shove into their relentlessly hungry face-holes. Therefore, I will do a post showing you how to make tamales, although I have a feeling that once you read the post you will classify making tamales as "exercise" and will refuse to get off your asses and do it.

Wow, spreading all this warmth, kindness and love does make me feel better. Sometimes I amaze myself at how truly gracious and benevolent I can be.

email me: Teezy

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  1. I put myself in the third catagory of slovenly voyeurs.

  2. Oh Lordy...I forgot about the slovenly voyeurs.

    I'm related to a buttload of them too. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going to request of me.


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